Physical Object
Kitabul Falakiyyat
- Title
- Kitabul Falakiyyat
- Type/Material
- Paper manuscript
- Original Title
- Uniform Title
- hitabul halakiyyat
- Language
- Arabic
- Accession Number
- B 0161
- Catalog Number
- D 0192
- Identifier
- KFK_IFP_PDY_B_0161_D_0192
- current location
- French Institue of Pondicherry, Puducherry
- Latitude, Longitude
- 11.937045059863284, 79.83565169765565
- Current Repository ID
- French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry
- List
- Kitabul Falakiyyat
- Tag
- Paper Manuscript
- French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry
Part of Kitabul Falakiyyat