The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 42 x 3.5. Contains 42 leaves. 5 to 7 lines per page approximately. Preserved in good condition, some leaves are damaged. Incomplete. The page number is inscribed to the left of the manuscript. The text discusses mathematical operations such as multiplication of integers, operations of fractions, measures of length, weight, time and miscellaneous other problems. This text could be used as both reference material as well as pedagogic.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 28x3.5. Contains 13 leaves. Incomplete. The approximate number of lines per page is 8. Empty leaves are found in-between the text. One leaf was written in Granta script. The page number appears in the right corner in Tamil numbers. The text starts with page number 38 and ends with 49. There are various astrological calculations and timings are given in this manuscript. The texts appear in this collection are NaαΉcattira ΔtΔyam celavu, kantΔya palaαΉaαΉiya, maαΈ»aiyaαΉiya, karinΔαΈ· cΕ«lam, vitai aαΉiya, katir koαΈ·αΈ·al, vinΔαΉi nΔαΈ»ikai,mΔta palaαΉ, tiαΉa palaαΉ, tΔra palamaαΉiya, and mirukam pakαΉ£i. Notable calculations in this collection of astrology are to know when one has to sow the land to get a good yield, the time of raining, timings that one has to do auspicious things etc. Chakras are provided for raining. The page appears with Granta script talks about whole of timing calculations. There are two handwritings are found in this collection viz., one is someone who given the title separately in a leaf and the one who copied the text. This manuscript could be used as consulting material by astrologers.
Contains 4 leaves. Readable. Complete. condition is bad. 10-11 lines per page. This manuscript deals with calculations to construct buildings. Contains 33 verses with some diagrams.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 38 x 3.5. Contains 31 leaves. 7 lines per page approximately. Preserved in good condition. Incomplete. This manuscript contains both the text with its commentary. This manuscript contains two kinds of page numbers inscribed to the left of the manuscript one gives the whole number of the bundle and the other gives the page number of the text. Each folio was classified according to the physical form of the manuscript. The text and its commentary were mentioned separately with specified symbols. Measurements, mathematical calculations are clearly explained. This could possibly be a pedagogical material. The copier had a sense of having a student's needs in his mind while copying.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 40x3. Contains 27 leaves, 5 to 6 lines per page. The title page appears in the middle of this collection. The leaves are misarranged. Some leaves are missing (7-9). Incomplete. Some leaves are broken. Letters are in good visibility. This manuscript deals with all kinds of measurements such as volume, weighing, linear, time, yugas, etc. Lists the measurements and helps the students to know the value of the measurements in words.
The dimension of this paper manuscript is 26x32. Contains 54 pages. Complete. Preserved in good condition. This manuscript was copied in 1956 by Mr. Chandranakeswaran. The original manuscript from which this copy was made is unfortunately not mentioned in this copy. This manuscript contains both text and commentary. Kanakkatikaram is the higher arithmetic and theoretical arithmetic of Tamil mathematics. Thus this could be the pedagogic material to the Tamil mathematic students.
Contains 61 leaves. Readable. Incomplete. Damaged. 8-9 lines per page. This manuscript served as a pedagogic material to the students of secondary to the advanced level of schooling. Deals with various mathematical notations, and arithmetic calculations.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 31 x 3.5. Contains 1 page. 6 lines per page. Incomplete. The page number mentioned on the right side of the page is 142. The song on this page details the Tamil letters.
The dimension of the palm leaf manuscript is 15x1 inches. 22 leaves; 44 folios. Condition is good, though some leaves are damaged. Contains 4-5 lines per page. Incomplete. Kanakkatikaram is a pedagogic text for advanced students. It deals with arithmetic and other mathematical calculations. Contains both formulas as well as calculations.
Contains 84 leaves. Readable. Incomplete. 8 - 9 lines per page approximately. Preserved in good condition. This manuscript deals with astrological calculations based on Surya Siddhanta.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 23.5 x 3. Contains 41 leaves. 6 lines per page approximately. Incomplete. Readable. Almost the left portion of all of the manuscripts are damaged. This manuscript contains both text and commentary. Beginning with the quality of the sculptor, this text details the beneficial star for the owner, measuring land for construction, measuring scale, trees for suitable varnas are listed and detailed. This text could probably be pedagogical material for schools.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 23.5 x 3. Contains 41 leaves. 6 lines per page approximately. Incomplete. Readable. Almost the left portion of all of the manuscripts are damaged. This manuscript contains both text and commentary. Beginning with the quality of the sculptor, this text details the beneficial star for the owner, measuring land for construction, measuring scale, trees for suitable varnas are listed and detailed. This text could probably be pedagogical material for schools.
The dimension of this palm leaf manuscript is 38 x 3.5. Contains 24 leaves. 4 - 8 lines per page. Preserved in good condition. Incomplete. Pages are misarranged. This text deals with the calculation of the construction land with its diagram. The measurement table was also given with the fortunes gained by the owner if he used the measurement. This treatise seems to be a reference material for the builders and astrologers.
Contains 24 leaves. Readable. Incomplete. 8-9 lines per page approximately. Good condition. This manuscript deals with the land calculations and lists the fortunes to specific land measures. This manuscript could have used as a reference material for astrologers and builders.
Contains 28 leaves. Readable. Complete. 4-5 lines per page approximately. Good condition. This manuscript deals with building constructions and calculations.