Nothing has been preserved, there are only things being preserved
-Trever Owens
Conventional cataloging process and methods guided by the Information Sciences, provide the available information where organizing information is given more importance, rather than the social context. Inclination towards the objective approach to catalog, classify the collected resources eventually makes the archive not only centralized, but simultaneously fuels itself towards reification. Instead a more careful approach is necessary when the archive wishes to act as a platform that invites for collaboration, base for discussion etc.. especially when archival practices constantly elude away from the context and initial purpose of the archive.
Exhibiting an Archive of Practice is a complex process involving channeling of diverse information into a common framework for Curation and Dissemination. Providing a accessible way to such curated information will be helpful to whoever interested in learning on history, literature, language, archaeology ... in general. However, what such archival information represents need to be carefully shaped.
Keynote speech: Whose Digital Preservation? Locating Our Standpoints to Reallocate Resources, Michelle Caswell
This means the archive must not only list the catalog of records expected by the scholars and the public, but to provide stories that emerge from collaborative work crossing the disciplined boundaries laid out by academic formalism. Elucidating the relationship between available records is an important responsibility of the Research community and the collaboration process. Moreover, it should have the means to bring out such relationships, meanings, critical questions with future addition of valuable information. This involves recognition of linked open vocabularies, collaborative workflow of information organization, space for participation and contribution of contextual information with necessary review processes.
The responsibility of the archiving community is also to communicate the context of the archive and the archiving process. With respect to this archive, care is taken to address the issue of classification with healthier skepticism.
Ganesh Gopal
between Humanities & Technology
Digital preservation is less about the specific technology and more about the commitment to ensuring that information remains accessible over time.