Measuring Instruments ⚖️

Instruments of measure play a major role, relating Standards, Measurement, Calculation and arbitrating justice. Knowing what kind of instruments were used helps us understand what kind of measurement standards were established and how they are established. In addition it can also draw us a picture of what are being quantified and how the filtering critieria were implemented. This picture can illustrate the social process behind the state emergence, establishment, social stratification, etc.. Moreover, by learning the quantification process could push to travel the process of abstraction, who justified it, how it was justified, and what was erased/left behind.

Learning the relationship between devising the apparatus of measurement, measuring instrument, act of measurement, measurer, standardization as arbiter of justice at the place of work, and how the value travels further in complete abstraction that ignores/erases/filters out the reality in several sense makes Metrology (science of measuring) more historical.


Title Original Title Language Uniform Title Kind of Available at
CON_RPM_TNJ_14221 Anna 1 அணா 1 aṇā Fiscal Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_13411 Dot Weighing Stone 1 புள்ளி எடைக்கல் 1 puḷḷi eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
LDM_AMKK_TVL_141 Litre Measure மண்ணெண்ணெய் அளத்தல் கருவி maṇṇeṇṇey aḷattal karuvi Capacity Measure Akamakil Kalaikoodam, Thirunelveli
WHS_RPM_TNJ_13941 Ounce Weighing Stone 1 அவுன்ஸ் எடைக்கல் 1 avuṉs eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_14051 Sovereign Weighing Stone 1 சவரண் எடைக்கல் 1 cavaraṇ eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_13601 Sovereign Weighing Stone 1 சவரண் எடைக்கல் 1 cavaraṇ eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_13951 Thola Weighing Stone 1 தோலா எடைக்கல் 1 tōlā eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
CON_RPM_TNJ_14201/12 Paisa Anna 1/12 பைசா அணா 1/12 paicā aṇā Fiscal Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_14081/2 Ounce Weighing Stone 1/2 அவுன்ஸ் எடைக்கல் 1/2 avuṉs eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_14091/2 Ounce Weighing Stone 1/2 அவுன்ஸ் எடைக்கல் 1/2 avuṉs eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
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