By Practice 👷🏾

Practices of measuring and calculation involved the use of measuring instruments and objects which we hope will help relate and mediate between text as record of practices at work place.

Given the ambiguities and predicaments about the relation between texts and practices in history, we also took effort to interact with living practices and their practitioners. Sculptors, Carpenters, Tool makers, Basket weavers and Leather workers are some practitioners we met and interacted, which are made available as recordings, photographs and reports from these meetings.

Trio - MVC
Ship Building
Percussion Instrument
Among People

Preview, Items in Practice, Text, Tools

Title Original Title Language Uniform Title Kind of Available in
CON_RPM_TNJ_14221 Anna 1 அணா 1 aṇā Fiscal Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_13411 Dot Weighing Stone 1 புள்ளி எடைக்கல் 1 puḷḷi eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
LDM_AMKK_TVL_141 Litre Measure மண்ணெண்ணெய் அளத்தல் கருவி maṇṇeṇṇey aḷattal karuvi Capacity Measure Akamakil Kalaikoodam, Thirunelveli
WHS_RPM_TNJ_13941 Ounce Weighing Stone 1 அவுன்ஸ் எடைக்கல் 1 avuṉs eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
WHS_RPM_TNJ_14051 Sovereign Weighing Stone 1 சவரண் எடைக்கல் 1 cavaraṇ eṭaikkal Weight Measure Royal Palace Museum, Thanjavur
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History is a tool to help people navigate the world around them. It should be in the hands of those who want to change the world.

- Jo Guldi